An introduction to the book and the field -- Landscape planning: roots, problems, and content -- The physiographic framework of the United States and Canada -- Landscape form and function in planning -- Topography, slopes, and land use planning -- Soil, land use suitability, and water disposal -- Soils and wastewater disposal systems -- Groundwater, land use, and aquifer protection -- Stormwater discharge, water management, and landscape change -- Watersheds, drainage nets, and land use -- Streamflow, river valleys, and flood hazard -- Water quality, runoff, and land use -- Soil erosion, land use, and stream sedimentation -- Best management practices, watersheds and development sites -- Streams, channel forms, and the riparian landscape -- Shoreline processes, sand dunes, and coastal zone management -- Sun angles, solar heating, and environment -- Microclimate, air pollution, and the urban environment -- Ground frost, permafrost, land use, and environment -- Vegetation, land use, and environmental assessment -- Landscape ecology, land use, and habitat conservation planning -- Wetlands, habitat, and land use planning -- Glossary -- Appendices