An introduction to electrochemical methods in neuroscience / Laura M. Borland and Adrian C. Michael -- Rapid dopamine release in freely moving rats / Donita L. Robinson and R. Mark Wightman -- Presynaptic regulation of extracellular dopamine as studied by continuous amperometry in anesthetized animals / Marianne Benoit-Marand, Marie-Francoise Suaud-Chagny, and Francج§ois Gonon -- Fast scan cyclic voltammetry of dopamine and serotonin in mouse brain slices / Carrie E. John and Sara R. Jones -- High-speed chronoamperometry to study kinetics and mechanisms for serotonin clearance in vivo / Lynette C. Daws and Glenn M. Toney -- Using high-speed chronoamperometry coupled with local dopamine application to assess dopamine transporter function / Joshua M. Gulley, Gaynor A. Larson, and Nancy R. Zahniser --