The lymphatic continuum :lymphatic biology and disease
x, 235 p. :ill. (some col.)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,0077-8923 ;v. 979
adsehteB." ni 2002 3-4, yaM no dleh dna noitadnuoF hcraeseR citahpmyL eht yb derosnops muunitnoC, citahpmyL ehT deltitne ecnerefnoc a fo tluser eht si emulov "sihT
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
The lymphatic continuum: the past, present and exciting future of lymphatic research / by Stanley G. Rockson -- The role of the National Center for Research Resources at the NIH: infrastructure to forge a new road for lymphatic biology and therapeutics / by Anthony Hayward -- An overview of the pathology and approaches to tissue engineering / by Erin R. Ochoa and Joseph P. Vacanti -- Tissue engineering of the lymphatic system / by Laura Niklason, Jennifer Joh, and Amy Solan -- New tools for lymphatic investigation: panel discussion -- Research perspectives in inherited lymphatic disease / by Robert Ferrell -- Contractility patterns of normal and pathologically changed human lymphatics / by Waldemar L. Olszewski -- Preclinical models of lymphatic disease: the potential for growth factor and gene therapy / by Stanley G. Rockson -- Biological principles: panel discussion -- Placental growth factor (PLGF) and its receptor FLT-1 (VEGFR-1): novel therapeutic targets for angiogenic disorders / by Aernout Luttun, Marc Tjwa, and Peter Carmeliet -- Insights into the molecular pathogenesis and targeted treatment of lymphedema / by Anne Saaristo, Marika J. Karkkainen, and Kari Alitalo -- Lymphangiogenesis: new mechanisms / by Lynn Chang, Aria Kaipainen, and Judah Folkman -- Lymphatic vessel activation in cancer / by Melanie Cassella and Mihaela Skobe -- The pathogenesis of filarial lymphedema: is it the worm or the host? / by Patrick J. Lammie, Karen T. Cuenco, and George A. Punkosdy --