Rethinking agriculture :archaeological and ethnoarchaeological perspectives /edited by Tim Denham, Josâe Iriarte, and Luc Vrydaghs.
Walnut Creek, CA :
Left Coast Press,
p. cm.
2003"--ferP. enuJ ni CD notgnihsaW ni (CAW5) ssergnoC lacigoloeahcrA dlroW htfiF eht ta erutlucirgA' fo stpecnoC gnitsixE gnignellahC yrotsiherP: fo laineD eht dna sledoM 'detirehnI deltitne noisses a morf "depoleveD
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Rethinking agriculture : introductory thoughts / Luc Vrydaghs and Tim Denham -- Agriculture, cultivation and domestication : exploring the conceptual framework of early food production / David R. Harris -- Selection, cultivation, and reproductive isolation : a reconsideration of the morphological and molecular signals of domestication / Martin Jones and Terry Brown -- Subterranean diets in the tropical rain forests of Sarawak, Malaysia / Huw Barton and Victor Paz -- Early to mid-Holocene plant exploitation in New Guinea : towards a contingent interpretation of agriculture / Tim Denham -- Unravelling the story of early plant exploitation in highland Papua New Guinea / Jack Golson -- The meaning of ditches : interpreting the archaeological record from New Guinea using insights from ethnography / Tim Bayliss-Smith -- Traditional perspectives on agriculture from Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile) / Geertrui Louwagie and Roger Langohr -- New perspectives on plant domestication and the development of agriculture in the New World / Josâe Iriarte -- Keepers of Louisiana's levees : early moundbuilders and forest managers / Gayle J. Fritz -- Modeling prehistoric agriculture through the palaeoenvironmental record : theoretical and methodological issues / Deborah M. Pearsall -- Chronicling indigenous accounts of the "rise of agriculture" in the Americas / Matthew P. Sayre -- Starch remains, preservation biases, and plant histories : an example from highland Peru / Linda Perry -- Emerging fo