The Black power movement :rethinking the civil rights-Black power era
New York :
xii, 385 p., 10 p. of plates :ill. ;23 cm.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-354) and index.
Introduction : toward a historiography of the Black power movement / Peniel E. Joseph -- "Alabama on Avalon" : rethinking the Watts uprising and the character of Black protest in Los Angeles / Jeanne Theoharis -- Amiri Baraka, the Congress of African People and Black power politics from the 1961 United Nations protest to the 1972 Gary convention / Komozi Woodard -- Black women, urban politics, and engendering Black power / Rhonda Y. Williams -- Black feminists respond to Black power masculinism / Kimberly Springer -- The Third World women's alliance : Black feminist radicalism and Black power politics / Stephen Ward -- The roots of Black power? armed resistance and the radicalization of the civil rights movement / Simon Wendt -- "A red, black and green liberation jumpsuit" : Roy Wilkins, the Black Panthers and the conundrum of Black power / Yohuru Williams -- Rainbow radicalism : the rise of radical ethnic nationalism / Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar -- "A holiday of our own" : Kwanzaa, cultural nationalism, and the promotion of a Black power holiday, 1966-1985 / Keith Mayes -- Black studies, student activism, and the Black power movement / Peniel E. Joseph.