Introduction / Tulsi Patel -- The nature of the family / Carle C. Zimmerman -- Some neglected approaches and problems in the study of family in India / A.A. Khatri -- The family in India : some problems concerning research on the changing family in India / M.F. Nimkoff -- The joint family in India: an analysis / I.P. Desai -- Caste and the joint family--a symposium / Aileen D. Ross ... [et al.] -- Family types in Badlapur: an analysis of a changing institution in a Maharashtrian village / William A. Morrison -- The family in transition / K.M. Kapadia -- Family structure and socioeconomic status in central India / Edwin D. Driver -- The phase of dispersal in the Indian family process / A.M. Shah -- The family organization in the south-west of India / Fr. J. Puthenkalam -- Family and kinship groups among the Khatris in Delhi / Saroj Kapoor -- Household and family among Thakors in a north Gujarat village / Lancy Lobo.