v. 1. Validity and social experimentation. pt. 1. Validity issues. ch. 1. Towards a practical theory of external validity / Thomas D. Cook. ch. 2. Validity applied to meta-analyses and research syntheses / Paul Wortman, Elvira Elek-Fisk, Lanette Raymond. ch. 3. Discriminative validity / Norman Miller, William C. Pedersen, Vicki E. Pollock. ch. 4. Effect sizes in behavioral and biomedical research : estimation and interpretation / Bob Rosenthal. ch. 5. Statistical conclusion validity for intervention research : a significant problem / Mark Lipsey. ch. 6. Realism, validity, and the experimenting society / Mel Mark. pt. 2. Social experiments. ch. 7. The honestly experimenting society : sites and other entities as the unit of allocation and analysis / Bob Boruch and Ellen Foley. ch. 8. Toward the dream of the experimenting society / Robert G. St. Pierre and Michael J. Puma. ch. 9. Rival explanations as an alternative to reforms as experiments / Robert K. Yin. ch. 10. Donald T. Campbell's contributions to practical in the trenches program evaluation / Burt Perrin. ch. 11. The experimenting society in a political world / Carol H. Weiss -- v. 2. Research design. ch. 1. The empirical program of quasi-experimentation / William R. Shadish. ch. 2. The multitrait-multimethod matrix as synopsis and recapitulation of Campbell's views on the proper conduct of social inquiry / William D. Crano. ch. 3. How to take account of threats of validity / Charles S. Reichardt. ch. 4. Plausible rival h