edited by Alan Burton-Jones, J.-C. Spender ; foreword by Gary Becker
The Oxford handbook of human capital
Oxford University Press,
xxviii, 688 p.
Oxford handbooks in business and management
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Part I. The nature of human capital -- ch. 1. An economic perspective on the notion of 'human capital' / Margaret M. Blair -- ch. 2. A social perspective : exploring the links between human capital and social capital / Janine Nahapiet -- ch. 3. Global culture capital and cosmopolitan human capital : the effects of global mindset and organizational routines on cultural intelligence and international experience / Kok-Yee Ng, Mei Ling Tan, and Soon Ang -- ch. 4. Cognition and human capital : the dynamic interrelationship between knowledge and behavior / Rhett A. Brymer, Michael A. Hitt, and Mario Schijven -- ch. 5. A capital-based approach to the firm : reflections on the nature and scope of the concept of capital and its extension to intangibles / Peter Lewin -- Part II. Human capital and the firm -- ch. 6. Human capital and transaction cost economics / Nicolai J. Foss -- ch. 7. Human capital and agency theory / J.-C. Spender -- ch. 8. Human capital in the resource-based view / Jeroen Kraaijenbrink -- ch. 9. Human capital, entrepreneurship, and the theory of the firm / Brian J. Loasby -- ch. 10. The firm, human capital, and knowledge creation / Georg von Krogh and Martin W. Wallin -- Part III. Human capital and organizational effectiveness -- ch. 11. Human capital, HR strategy, and organizational effectiveness / Peter Boxall -- ch. 12. How organizations obtain the human capital they need / Monika Hamori, Rocio Bonet, and Peter Cappelli -- ch. 13. Aligning human capital with org