Methods and applications of statistics in business, finance, and management science
Hoboken, N.J.
xxi, 711 p.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Alternatives to Black-Scholes formulation in finance -- Analytical methods for risk management : an engineering systems perspective -- ARCH and GARCH models -- Bayesian forecasting -- Bayesian networks -- Box-Jenkins model -- Business forecasting methods -- Combination of forecasts -- Decision theory -- Dynamic programming -- Estimation of travel distance -- Financial time series -- Forecasting -- Foundations of risk management -- Functional networks -- Game theory -- Intervention model analysis -- Inventory theory -- Manpower planning -- Markov networks -- Methods of estimation of risks and analysis of business processes -- Mining functional data in prediction markets -- Models for bid arrivals and bidder arrivals in online auctions -- Multiserver queues -- Multivariate time-series analysis -- Network analysis -- Network of queues -- Neural networks -- Newsboy inventory problem -- Nonlinear time series -- Nonstationary time series -- PERT -- Prediction and forecasting -- Pricing foreign exchange options with stochastic volatility -- Probabilistic expert systems -- Problem solving in statistics -- Queueing theory -- Queues and networks -- Ranking and selection among mutual funds -- Risk theory -- Statistical consulting -- Statistical methods in inventory effect and analysis -- Statistical methods in risk management by futures clearinghouses -- Statistics in auditing -- Statistics in banking -- Statistics in finance -- Statistics in management science -- Statistics in marketin