Includes bibliographical references (p. 495) and index.
Unit I. Descriptive statistics -- Introduction : what is statistics all about? -- Using polystat to do statistical analysis -- Presentation of data -- Summarizing data and using descriptive statistics -- Unit II. Basic probability and probability distributions -- Basic probability : theory and applications -- Sampling and the normal distribution -- The central limit theorem -- Unit III. Hypothesis testing -- Introduction to inferential statistics -- Estimating means, proportions, and sample size with confidence -- Validating a hypothesis about a single population mean using a sample -- Validating hypotheses between two population means -- Validating hypotheses about a single population proportion -- Validating hypotheses about two population proportions -- Unit IV. Measures of association -- Comparing more than two population means with anova -- Comparing more than two population proportions using the chi-square test -- Determining relationships for two variables using correlation -- Measuring relationships with simple regression analysis -- Measuring multivariate relationships with regression analysis -- Planning statistical research.