edited by Bruce Stiftel , Vanessa Watson and Henri Acselrad
Dialogues in urban and regional planning,
London ;
xv. 355 p. :ill.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : building global integration in planning scholarship / Bruce Stiftel and Vanessa Watson -- Mixed use in theory and practice : Canadian experience with implementing planning principle / Jill Grant -- Uncertain legacy : Sydney's olympic stadiums / Glen Searle -- Land markets, social reproduction and configuration of urban space : a case study of five municipalities in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area / Juan D. Lombardo ... [et al.] -- Designing whole landscapes / Paul M. Dolman ... [et al.] -- Management of urban regeneration and conservation in China : a case of Shanghai / Jiantao Zhang -- Ecological-economic zoning in the Brazilian Amazon region : the imperfect panoptism / Henri Acselrad -- Walking in another's shoes : epistemological challenges in participatory planning / Karen Umemoto -- Urban planning and intergroup conflict : confronting a fractured public interest / Scott A. Bollens -- Beyond labels : pragmatic planning in multistakeholder tourism-environmental conflicts / Tazim B. Jamal, Stanley M. Stein and Thomas L. Harper -- The usefulness of normative planning theories in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa / Vanessa Watson -- Out of the closet : the importance of stories and storytelling in planning practice / Leonie Sandercock -- Dilemmas in critical planning theory / Raine Mèantysalo.