]by[ Peter F. Drucker, Delbert C. Miller ]and[ Robert A. Dahl. Edited by William V. D'Antonio and Howard J. Ehrlich
Power and democracy in America
Notre Dame, Ind
University of Notre Dame Press
xviii, 181 p.23 cm
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Individual freedom and effective government in a society of super-powers, by P.F. Drucker. -- Democracy and decision making in the community power structure, by D.C. Miller. -- Equality and power in American society, by R.A. Dahl. -- Power and democracy : a critical discussion, by H.J. Ehrlich. -- Democracy in america: retrospect and prospect, by W.V. D'Antonio and H.J. Ehrlich. -- Selected bibliography in political sociology, 1955-1960 )p. 153-181(