Studies in cognitive development: Essays in honor of Jean Piaget
New York
Oxford University Press
XIX, 503 p.: illus
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references
The impact and limitations of the giant of developmental psychology, by J. McV. Hunt.--Formal and functional aspects of cognitive development, by J. H. Flavell and J. F. Wohlwill.--"Stage" in Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory: exegesis of a concept, by A. Pinard and M. Laurendeau.--Conservation and concept formation, by D. Elkind.--On the bases of conservation, by L. Wallach.--Eye, hand, and mind, by J. Bruner.--The initial coordination of sensorimotor schemas in human infants; Piaget's ideas and the role of experience, by B. L. White.--The role of surprise in cognitive development, by W. R. Charlesworth.--Developmental psycholinguistics, by H. Sinclair-de-Zwart.--Memory and intelligence in the child, by B. Inhelder.--Some implications of ontogenetic changes in perception, by R. H. Pollack.--