The spatial turn :interdisciplinary perspectives /
New York :
New York,
p. cm.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction : the reinsertion of space in the humanities and social sciences / Barney Warf and Santa Arias -- Taking space personally / Edward W. Soja -- Spacing movements : the turn to cartographies and mapping practices in contemporary social movements / Sebastiâan Cobarrubias and John Pickles -- From surfaces to networks / Barney Warf -- Geography, postcommunism, and comparative politics / Jeffrey Kopstein -- Retheorizing global space in sociology : towards a new kind of discipline / Harry Dahms -- Sex and the modern city : English studies and the spatial turn / Pamela K. Gilbert -- The geopolitics of historiography from Europe to the Americas / Santa Arias -- "To see a world in a grain of sand": space and place on an ethnographical journey in Colombia / Margarita Serje -- Spatiality and religion / John Corrigan -- The cultural production of space in colonial Latin America : from visualizing difference to the circulation of knowledge / Mariselle Melâendez -- Documentary as a space of intuition : Luis Buنnuel's Land without bread / Joan Ramon Resina.