edited by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Marcelo Kohen
International law and the quest for its implementation :liber amicorum Vera Gowlland-Debbas = Le droit international et la quete de sa mise en oeuvre
Leiden; Boston
xviii, 513 p. :port. ;25 cm.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references (p. [493]-508) and index
Vera and the (Re)Turn to aesthetics / Daniel Warner -- The Security council Legibus Solutus? On the legislative forays of the council / Georges Abi-Saab -- The subject of subjects and the attribution of attribution / Andrew Clapham -- La Deجپsueجپtude de lت¼article 26 de la Charte des Nations Unies, expression de lت¼eجپchec du systeجپme onusien / Monique Chemillier-Gendreau -- Le Conseil de seجپcuriteجپ, les sanctions cibleجپes et le respect des droits de lت¼homme / Luigi Condorelli -- There is no need to change the composition of the security council. It is time for stressing accountability / Marcelo G. Kohen -- Lت¼(ir)responsabiliteجپ des forces multinationales? / Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos -- Targeted sanctions and obligations of states on listing and de-listing procedures / Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo -- Fearت¼s legal dimension : counterterrorism and human rights / Andrea Bianchi -- The human rights council and the challenges of the United Nations system on human rights : towards a cultural revolution? / Vincent Chetail -- International humanitarian law, human rights and the UK courts / Christine Chinkin.
Droit international et la quete de sa mise en oeuvre