The Study of international affairs: essays in honour of Kenneth Younger
New York
Oxford University Press for the Royal Institute of Internaitonal Affairs
Oxford University Press for the Royal Institute of Internaitonal Affairs
x, 309 p.: 23 cm
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references
Contents: Shonfield, A. Introduction: the nature of international studies.- Fawcett, J. E. S. Human Rights in international relations.- Higgins R. International law and the UN system.- Strange, S. International eocnomic relations, I.- Miles, C. International economic relations, II.- Watt, D. C. Contemporary history and the survey of international affairs.- Miller, B. Commonwealth studies.- Austin, D. Ex Africa semper eadem?- Pryce, R. The politics of co-operation and integration in western Europe.- Kaser, M. The Soviet Union and eastern Europe.- Gitting, J. Touching the tiger`s buttocks.- Tinker, H. South Asia.- Morgan, R. The study of international politics
International relations-- Study and teaching-- Addresses, essays, lectures