English- French- Russian text prepared by Issaac Paenson; Spanish Translation prepared under the supervision of M. Medina; the final Spanish text has been checked by A. Sureda, in cooperation of the Office of Legal Affairs United Nations, in respect of the, English text; le department de droit international public et organisation internationale, in respect of the French text; the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in respect of the Russian text
English- French- Spanish- Russian manual of the terminology of public International law (Law of peace) and International organizations
Published for the Graduate Institute of national Studies, Generva and Intercentre By Bruylant
c 1983
xlviii, 846 p.: 29 cm
مرجع به حساب مي آيد
Includes bibliographical references and index
Manual of the Terminology of public internaitonal law
Terminology of public internaitonal law (peace)
International law-- Dictionaries, Polyglot
International agencies-- Dictionaries, Polyglot
Dictionaries, polyglot
Paenson, Issac
Manuel anglais- Francais- espagnol- Russe
Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva)
International Centre for the terminology of Social Sciences