Contemporary Europe; A study of national, international, economic, and cultural trends
2d ed.
New York,
D. Van Nostrand Co.,
xv, 833 p.: illus, maps; 24 cm
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliography at end of each chapter and index
G. S. Dumke. The course of the first World War.--J. S. Roucek. Outlines of a new era.--S. H. Thomson. The post-war settlements: 1919-1923.--W. L. Godshall. The labyrinth of peace efforts: 1919-1930.--J. W. Hoot and J. M. Gersting. Economics in the service of European politics.--F. E. Graham. Great Britain, Ireland and the Empire.--L. M. Case and L. M. Sears. France and her empire.--L. M. Case, J. C. Engelsman and F. A. Cave. Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.--C. V. Easum. Germany.--Huntley Dupre. Austria. Switzerland.--J. S. Roucek. Czechoslovakia.--L. C. Mackinney. Spain and Portugal.--F. A. Cave. Italy.--S. H. Thomson and J. S. Roucek. The Papacy in post-war Europe.--Tibor Kerekes. Hungary.--E. L. Kayser. The Balkans.--H. N. Howard and G. S. Dumke. Turkey and the Near East.--G. M. Day. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia).