Edited from the oldest manuscripts available:With critical notes,translation,commentary by Reynold A. Nicholson
The mathnawi of Jalalu'Ddin Rumi
Messrs Luzac & co.LTD
8 v. ;25 cm
"E. J. W. Gibb memorial" series
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical footnotes and index
v.1.Containing the text of the first and second books-v.2.Containing the translation of the first & second books-v.4.Containing the translation of the third fourth books-v.5.Containing the text of the fifth and sixth books and indices-v.6.Containing the translation of the fifth & sixth books - v.7.Containing the commentary on the first & second books -v.8.Containing the commentary on the third,fourth,fifth&sixth books,with indices to volumes vii&viii
Persian poetry-- 13th century-- History and citicism