legislating, decision-making, practice and education /
edited by Mary Hiscock, William van Caenegem.
Northampton, MA :
Edward Elgar,
xxvi, 322 p. :
ill. ;
24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Internationalisation of law : the 'complex' case of bank regulation / Lawrence Baxter -- Internationalisation and statutory interpretation : looking wide and looking deep / Suzanne Corcoran -- Reform, regulation and risk : the internationalisation of legislation and legal policy / Les McCrimmon -- Law : a global practice : perspectives on the internationalisation of legal services markets / John Corcoran -- Internationalisation of legal profession in Japan : integration by increments / Vicki Beyer -- The export of professional legal services : ILSAC and the australian experience / Ian Govey -- Development assistance in the field of legal education / Michael Bogdan -- The internationalisation of legal education : a road Increasingly travelled / Vai lo Lo -- Lawyers in Magellan's world / John O. Haley -- Internationalisation or isolation : the Australian cul de sac? The case of contract / Paul Finn -- Internationalisation of legal research : finding facts and finding law before the next big crash / Patrick Quirk -- The importance of international developments in the case law of the European Court of Justice : Kadi and the autonomy of the EC legal order / Inge Govaere -- The Influence of scholarly writing upon the courts in Europe / Pierre-Yves Gautier -- Oil and water? International law and domestic law in Australia / Robert French -- The New York Convention as a driving force / Clyde Croft -- International arbitration and competing dispute resolution options / Laurence Boulle -- Internationalisation of decision making : arbitration / Lawrence Boo.