voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, duke of Holstein, to the great duke of Muscovy and the king of Persia. Begun in the year M.DC.XXXIII, and finish'd in M.DC.XXXIX. Containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary,
Persia and other adjacent countries. With several publick transactions reaching near the present times; in VII books. Whereto are added The travels of John Albert de Mandelslo (A gentleman belonging to the embassy) from Persia into the East ...
Written originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy
Faithfully rendred into English, by John Davies ..
2d ed. corr
2v. in 1.: illus., fold. maps
"He [Frederick]& employ'd in this embassy, Philip Crusius ... and Otton Brugman"