International Library of music for home and studio;...
; associate editors: Alexander Lambert,Rudolph Ganz[and others]..
New York
, [1925].
:, illus, plates, ports
Including a considerable number of the more popular pianoforte compositions from the century library of music, edited by Ignace J. Paderewiski; also including all of the works contained in the list of the hundred greatest compositions for the piaI
no, as selected fannie Bloomfield-zeisler, Bernard Boekelman [and others]...
I-viii. Pianoforte compositions. II. [i.e.xi] Pianists guide, theory and technic.-iv[i.e. xii] the opera, history and guide.-Study and material...a manual of practical instruction in Pianoforte playing combining all the essentials from the beginning of grade one through grade one through grade four, compiled and edited from the world's greatest composers and authorities with original piece's, technical exercises and explanatory text, by Charles Dennee...