Introduction: "A completion of personality": a talk with Ralph Ellison.--"The cost of being human": Warren, R. P. The unity of experience. Bellow, S. Man underground. Chisolm, L. W. Signifying everything. Howe, I. Black boys and native sons. Hyman, S. E. Ralph Ellison in our time.--"Creating the uncreated features of his face": McPherson, J. A. Indivisible man.--"Who knows but that I speak for you?": Neal, L. Ellison's zoot suit. Tanner, T. The music of invisibility. Bone, R. Ralph Ellison and the uses of the imagination. Schafer, W. J. Ralph Ellison and the birth of the anti-hero. Vogler, T. A. Invisible man: somebody's protest novel. Rovit, E. H. Ralph Ellison and the American comic tradition. Kent, G. E. Ralph Ellison and the Afro-American folk and cultural tradition. Bennett, S. B. and Nichols, W. W. Violence in Afro-American fiction: an hypothesis.--Bibliography (p. 179-180)