Introduction, by M. Klein.--Notes on the decline of naturalism, by P. Rahv.--The search for values, by J. Aldridge.--American fiction and American values, by W. Barrett.--The argument reinvigorated, by N. Mailer.--Art and fortune, by L. Trilling.--The mystery of personality in the novel, by H. Gold.--The alone generation, by A. Kazin.--Mass society and post-modern fiction, by I. Howe.-- Writing American fiction, by P. Roth.--Some notes on recent American fiction, by S. Bellow.--The barbarian is at the gates, by L. Lipton.--Underground writing, 1960, by P. Goodman.--The novel of outrage, by I. Hassan.-- Dirty words? by B. DeMott.--Anatomy of black humor, by B. Feldman.--The higher sentimentality, by L. Fiedler.-- Notes on the wild goose chase, by J. Hawkes.--Notes on the new style, by W. Phillips.--
American fiction - 20th century - History and criticism