Superman comes to the supermarket, by N. Mailer.--The Twenty-ninth Republican Convention, Miami Beach, Florida, August 5-8, 1968, by G. Vidal.--The new mutants, by L. A. Fiedler.--Diary of a revolutionist, by J. S. Kunen.-- Reply to the student activists, by G. F. Kennan.--Beyond nihilism, by M. Polanyi.--A yo-yo going down, a mad squirrel coming up, by F. Conroy.--Homeboy, by Malcolm X.-- Cousin Sophie, by A. Kazin.--Notes of a native son, by J. Baldwin.--The phantom captain, by R. B. Fuller.--Boston, the lost ideal, by E. Hardwick.--London, by V. S. Pritchett.--The vacancies of August, by J. Thompson.--New York to Wrangell, Alaska, by E. Hoagland.--June, by J. W. Johnson.--The old stone house, by E. Wilson.--A young entomologist in old Russia, by V. Nabokov.--Why the novel matters, by D. H. Lawre