/ Edited by Michael Silverstein. Introductory essay by Roman Jakobson
, [1971].
xlv, 360 p.
: illus. 21 cm
Whitney on language, by M. Silverstein.--The world response to Whitney's principles of linguistic science, by R. Jakobson.--William Dwight Whitney, from Forty years' record of the class of 1845, Williams College.-- Language and the study of language.--Phusei or thesei-- natural or conventional?--Steinthal on the origin of language.--On mixture in language.--The varieties of predication.--On the relation of vowels and consonants.-- On Lepsius's standard alphabet.--The principle of economy as a phonetic force.--On the nature and designation of the accent in Sanskrit.--The study of Hindu grammar and the study of Sanskrit.--On the narrative use of imperfect and perfect in the Brahmanas.--A botanico-philological problem
Language and languages- Addresses, essays, lectures