Genetic relationship among languages, by H. A. Gleason, Jr.--The development of the Indo-European labiovelars with special reference to the dialects of ancient Italy, by J. Whatmough.--The reconstruction of proto-romance, by R. A. Hall, Jr.--Comparative method, by H. M. Hoenigswald.--Internal reconstruction of phonemic split, by J. W. Marchand.--Internal reconstruction in Seneca, by W. L. Chafe.--Some thoughts on sound laws, by J. Vendryes.--Principles of historical phonology, by R. Jakobson.--Function, structure, and sound change, by A. Martinet.--An issue in the theory of sound change: the neogrammarian position and its disconfirmation, by P. M. Postal.--Diachronic syntax and generative grammar, by E. C. Traugott.--Diachronic change in the complement system, by R. Lakoff.--Family tree, wave theo