On sociologists: The logico-meaningful method of P. A. Sorokin (1937) The means-end schema in sociological theory (1938) The operationalism of George A. Lundberg (1946) Toynbee and sociology (1959) The common sense world of Alfred Schultz (1963) The social Darwinists (1969).--On methodological matters: The limitations of anthropological methods in sociology (1948) A critique of empiricism in sociology (1949) Wertfreiheit and American sociology (1957) Nominal and real definitions in sociological theory (1959) The ethics of cognitive communication (1963).--On social organization: The sociology of majorities (1948) An analysis of social power (1950). The problem of authority (1954).--On civilization and humane learning: Indices of civilization (1966) Once more the idea of progress (1974) Sociology and