Microeconomic foundations: Arrow, K. J. The measurement of real value added.--David, P. A. Fortune, risk, and the microeconomics of migration.--Easterlin, R. A. Does economic growth improve the human lot?--Kuznets, S. Income-related differences in natural increase; bearing on growth and distribution of income.--Reder, M. W. An economic theory of imperialism.--Sanderson, W. C. Does the theory of demand need the maximum principle?-- Scitovsky, T. Are men rational or economists wrong?-- Macroeconomic performance; Growth and stability: Cheetham, R. J., Kelley, A. C., and Williamson, J. G. Demand, structural change, and the process of growth.-- Friedman, M. Monetary policy in developing countries.-- Ginzberg, E. Government; the fourth factor.--Hickman, B. G. What became of the building cycle?--Mathieson