Toward a science of Prehistoric society. by K. C. Chang.-- Prehistory, Typology, and the study of society. by I. Rouse.-- Cultural patterning of behavior as reflected by archaeological materilas by Deetz.-- Time's arrow and the archaeology of a contemporary community, by R. Ascher.-- The determinants of Settlement patterns, by B. G. Trigger.-- Relationships among house, Settlement areas, and population in aboriginal California, by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer.-- Inferences from the shape of dwellings, by J. W. M. Whiting and B. Ayres.-- The State and Settlement patterns in the New World by W. Sears.-- Some aspects of Zinancantan Settlement Patterns and Ceremonial organization, by E. Z. Vogt-Settlement pattern in microcosm: the changing aspect of Nubian village during twelve centuries, by W. Y. Adams.-- Settlment archaeology: an appraisal, by G. R. Willey