Persian problem; an examination of the rival position of Russia and Great Britian in Persia with some account of the Persian Gulf and Bagdad railway
/ by H. J. Whigham
, 1903.
xvi, 424 p.
: illus, maps
"The substance of series of articles written for the Morning Post."
. -- Introduction -- French intrigues at Maskat. -- The Pearl Islands of the Gulf . -- Cruising on the Persian Coast. -- Shall we give Russia Bunder Abbas? - Visit to the pirate coast. -- The importance of Koweit. -- Persian rule in the delta of the Shat-al-Arab. -- The position of Turkey in the Gulf. -- The commerce of the gulf. -- The Politics of the gulf. -- By the waters of Babylon. -- On the Euphrates. -- The sacred cities of the Shiahs. -- Bagdad. -- The passage of the Taurus. -- The Bagdad railWay . -- The oil-fields of Persia. -- Kermanshah. -- Persian Carpets. -- Routes in Western Persia. -- Teheran. -- Great Britain versus Russia. -- Russia's policy. -- Wanted - A British policy in Persia. -- On the Russian road . -- Russia's advance on Persia Via the Caucasus..