Ch. 1. Introduction : geographies of Muslim identities / Peter E. Hopkins, Mei-Po Kwan and Cara Carmichael Aitchison -- Ch. 2. Beyond the mosque : Turkish immigrants and the practice and politics of islam in Duisburg-Marxloh, Germany / Patricia Ehrkamp -- Ch. 3. Visible minorities : constructing and deconstructing the 'Muslim Iranian' diaspora / Cameron McAuliffe -- Ch. 4. The other within the same : some aspects of Scottish-Pakistani identity in suburban Glasgow / Sadiq Mir -- Ch. 5
Hawkins, Virgil.
Governance and informal institutions of accountability -- Decentralization and local governmental performance -- Local governmental performance : assessing village public goods provision -- Informal accountability and the structure of solidary groups -- Temples
Introduction -- New risks, new crises, new dangers -- Organizations in world risk society / Ulrich Beck and Boris Holzer -- Crisis management and legitimacy: facing symbolic disorders / Romain Laufer -- Understanding and managing crises in an "online world" / Sarah Kovoor-Misra and Manavendra Misra -- New crises, new meaning -- Organizational sense-making during crisis / Karlene H. Roberts, Peter Madsen, Vinit Desai -- Crisis sensemaking and the public inquiry / Robert Gephart -- A cognitive approach to crisis management in organizations / Jean-Marie Jacques, Laurent Gatot, and Anne Wallemacq -- New crises, new barriers -- The psychological effects of a crisis: deny denial?-grieve before a crisis occurs / Ian I. Mitroff -- A passion for imperfections: revisiting crisis management / Christophe Roux-Dufort -- The eight characteristics of Japanese crisis-prone organizatio