1, The coins of the Eastern Khaleefehs.- 2, The coins of the Mohammadan dynasties, classes III-IX.- 3, The coins of the Turkuman houses of Seljook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc., classes X-XIV.- 4, The Fatimee Khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees, and the Memlook Sultans, classes XIV, XV, XVIA.- 5, The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain and the kings and imams of the Yemen, classes XIVB, XXVII.- 6, The coins of the Mongols, classes XVIII-XXII.- 7, The coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) classes XXII, XXIII.- 8, The coins of the turks, class XXVI.- 9, Additions to the Oriental collection, 1876-1888. pt. I: Additions to vols. I-IV.- 10, Additions to the Oriental collection, 1876-1888. pt. II. Additions to vols. V-VIII