: the moral reckoning : applying just war theory to the 2003 war decision
/ Craig M. White.
Lanham, Md.
: Lexington Books
, c2010.
x, 295 p.
; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-288) and index.
pt. 1. Introducing just war theory --An old theory, today's and tomorrow's wars -- How to apply the criteria, and who should do it -- pt. 2. Applying the criteria -- Sovereign authority -- Just cause I : an armed, reckless regime that harbored terrorists -- Just cause II : preemption, UN resolutions, and a new Iraq -- Just cause III : the legal case -- Right intention/the aim of peace -- Proportionality of ends -- Last resort -- Reasonable chance of success -- Replies to neo-conservative objections -- pt. 3. Conclusion -- Was it just? : evaluation and consequences.