Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore (Patna)
:Superintendent, Government Printing
, 1910 -1980 [v.1, 1962].
Publishers vary
Place of publication v. 2 -4: Calcutta.
Title v. 27 -30: Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Khuda Bakhsh oriental public library.
Editors vary.
v.1. Persian Poets Firdausi to Hafiz.-v.3. Persian Poetry 17th,18th & 19th Genturies.-v.5.p 1-2. Tradition.-v.6. History.-v.7. Indian History.-v.8. Biography, Romances, Tales and Anecdotes.-v.9. Philology and Sciences.-v.11.Sciences (continued) and Arts.-v.12. Biography.-v.13. Sufism.-v.14. Commentaries on the Quran, Hadis, Law ....-v. 15. History.-v.16. Sufism, Prayers ....-v.17. Manuscripts of Mixed contents.-v.18.p.1. Quranic Science.-v.18. p.2. Quranic Science.-v.19.p.1. Principles of Jurisprudence ....-v.19.p.2. Jurisprudence....-v.21.Encyclopaedias, Logic, ....-v.20. Philology
Title: Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Khuda Bakhsh oriental public library
Manuscripts - India - Bankipore - Catalogs
Manuscripts, Persian - India - Bankipore - Catalogs
Manuscripts, Arabic - India - Bankipore - Catalogs
Title: Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Khuda Bakhsh oriental public library
Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Bankipore Patna