Introduction : expanding cyber criminology with an avant-garde anthology -- Café culture and heresy of yahooboyism in Nigeria / Adebusuyi I. Adeniran -- Internet gambling / Henry N. Pontell, Gilbert Geis, and Gregory C. Brown -- Identity construction among hackers / Orly Turgeman-Goldschmidt -- Virtual sex offenders : a clinical perspective / Kimberly Young -- Self-reported Internet child pornography consumers : a personality assessment using Bandura's theory of reciprocal determinism / Kathryn C. Seigfried-Spellar, Richard W. Lovely, and Marcus K. Rogers -- Online social networking and pedophilia : an experimental research "sting" / Roderic Broadhurst and Kasun Jayawardena -- Adult-child sex advocacy websites as learning environments for crime / Rob D'Ovidio ... [et al.] -- The Internet as a terrorist's tool : a social learning perspective / Tina Freiburger and Jeffrey S. Crane -- Value and choice : examining their roles in digital piracy / George E. Higgins -- Suing the genie back in the bottle : the failed RIAA strategy to deter P2P network users / Michael Bachmann -- Criminological predictors of digital piracy : a path analysis / Whitney D. Gunter -- Change of music piracy and neutralization : an examination using short-term longitudinal data / George E. Higgins, Scott E. Wolfe, and Catherine D. Marcum -- Digital file sharing : an examination of neutralization and rationalization techniques employed by digital file sharers / Robert Moore -- Cyber-routine activities : empirical examination of online lifestyle, digital guardians, and computer-crime victimization / Kyung-Shick Choi -- Adolescent online victimization and constructs of routine activities theory / Catherine D. Marcum -- Cyber stalking : typology, etiology, and victims / Michael L. Pittaro -- Online social networking and women victims / Debarati Halder and K. Jaishankar -- Malware victimization : a routine activities framework / Adam M. Bossler and Thomas J. Holt -- Fatwas chaos ignites cyber vandalism : does Islamic criminal law prohibit cyber vandalism? / Alaeldin Mansour Maghaireh -- Cyber bullying : legal obligations and educational policy vacuum / Shaheen Shariff and Dianne L. Hoff -- Human rights infringement in the digital age / Russell G. Smith -- Conclusion / K. Jaishankar.