Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-174) and index.
The nature of the problem -- Mythos and logos -- Psychology's religious roots. Education and the child ; The American dimension ; Some early British religious psychologists ; A Catholic detour ; Religious origins of the concept of "psychology" ; Conclusions -- Psychology of religion. William James' the varieties of religious experience ; Classic psychology of religion ; The demise of classical psychology of religion ; Conclusion -- A boundary problem. John Macmurray ; Reinhold Niebuhr ; Paul Tillich ; Martin Buber ; The Union Theological Seminary connection ; Conclusion -- The authenticity of religious experience -- Religion and psychotherapy. Boston Emmanuel Movement (1906-1929) ; Britain between 1918 and c. 1980 ; The growth movement -- The problem of prayer -- Religion and personality -- The theism question -- Psychology and non-Christian religions -- Religion and psychological theory. Piaget : salvaging Protestantism by other means? ; Freud : the mysterious nature of psychoanalysis ; Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) : the psychology of an Episcopalian ; Atheism and anti-religious psychology ; Conclusion -- Conclusions, hypotheses, suggestions and a stab at a personal "position statement". Religious doctrines beyond psychology's brief ; Religion and psychology essentially concerned with the same issues ; Religion is an inferior alternative to psychology ; Reconstructing the relationship ; Two issues for historians of psychology ; An attempt at a final position ; Concluding remarks.