Machine generated contents note: Introduction F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes; Part I. The Board of Directors and the CEO: 1. The trouble with boards Lawrence E. Mitchell; 2. Rediscovering board expertise: legal implications of the empirical literature Lawrence A. Cunningham; 3. The CEO and the board: on CEO overconfidence and institutionalizing dissent in firms F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes; Part II. The Why, When, How, and How Much of Executive Pay: 4. Pay without performance: overview of the issues Lucian A. Bebchuk and Jesse M. Fried; 5. Supersize pay, incentive compatibility, and the volatile shareholder interest William W. Bratton; 6. 'Say on pay': cautionary notes on the UK experience and the case for muddling through Jeffrey N. Gordon; Part III. Constraining Managers and Directors: Investors, Securities Regulation, and the Media: 7. Shareholder activism in the Obama era Stephen M. Bainbridge; 8. After Dura: causation in fraud-on-the-market actions Merritt B. Fox.
"The events that began with the collapse of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and Adelphia and continued into the financial crisis of 2008 teach us an important lesson: corporate governance matters. But although it is now widely acknowledged that good corporate governance is a linchpin of good corporate performance, a significant debate remains over exactly how to improve corporate governance and its impact on corporate and overall economic performance. Perspectives on Corporate Governance offers a uniquely diverse and forward-looking set of approaches from leading experts, covering the major areas of corporate governance reform and analyzing the full range of issues and concerns. This volume offers a host of innovative and original suggestions on how corporate governance can continue to improve. Written to be both theoretically rigorous and grounded in the real world, the book is well suited for practicing lawyers, managers, lawmakers, and analysts, as well as academics conducting research or teaching a wide range of courses in law schools, business schools, and economics departments, at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Drawing on their years of experience as practicing lawyers and professors at leading law firms and law schools across the United States, F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes have enjoyed collaborating on a range of projects designed to generate problem-solving and analytical tools for addressing the law, economics, and politics of the process of commercializing innovation, including entrepreneurship, corporate governance, finance, economic development, intellectual property, antitrust, and bankruptcy"--Provided by publisher.
Corporate governance-- Law and legislation-- United States.