Includes bibliographical references (p. 471-500) and index.
Ayyubid Jerusalem : a historical introduction / Carole Hillenbrand - The art of the Ayyubids : an overview / Robert Hillenbrand - Cross-currents and coincidences : a perspective on Ayyubid metalwork / Sylvia Auld - The minbar of Nur Al-Din in context / Sylvia Auld - The wooden balustrade in the Sakhra / Sylvia Auld - The power of the word : Ayyubid inscriptions in Jerusalem / Sheila S. Blair - Woodwork in Syria, Palestine and Egypt during the 12th and 13th century / Jonathan M. Bloom - Smaller domes in the Haram Al-Sharif reconsidered in light of a recent survey / Michael Hamilton Burgoyne - Ayyubid illustrated manuscripts and their north Jaziran and Abbasid neighbours / Anna Contadini - Religious circles in Jerusalem in the Ayyubid period / Anne-Marie Edde - An ambiguous aesthetic : crusader Spolia in Ayyubid Jerusalem / Finbarr Barry Flood - Ayyubid monuments in Jerusalem / Mahmoud Hawari - Economic growth and currency in Ayyubid Palestine / Stefan Heidemann - The Ayyubid Aqsa : decorative aspects / Robert Hillenbrand - Eastern Christian art and culture in the Ayyubid and early Mamluk periods : cultural convergence between Jerusalem, Greater Syria and Egypt / Lucy-Anne Hunt - Qur'ans and calligraphers of the Ayyubids and Zangids / David James - From monastic cloisters to Sahn : the transformation of the open space of the Masjid Al-Aqsa under Saladin / Sabri Jarrah - Ayyubid mosaics in Jerusalem / Lorenz Korn - Ayyubid Jerusalem in perspective : the context of Ayyubid architecture in Bilad Al-Sham / Lorenz Korn - The pottery of Ayyubid Jerusalem / Marcus Milwright - Science as the handmaiden of power : science, art and technology in Ayyubid Syria / Martina Müller-Wiener - Ayyubid architecture in Cairo / Bernard O'Kane - The people of the book / Johannes Pahlitzsch - Biographies of Ayyubid Sultans / D.S. Richards - Ibn Wasil, historian of the Ayyubids / D.S. Richards - An image of what once was : the Ayyubid fortifications of Jerusalem / Yasser Tabbaa.