: Abu Ali Muhammad b. Khallad's Kitab al-usul and its reception : a critical edition of the Ziyadat Sharh al-usul by the Zaydi Imam al-Natiq bi-l-haqq Abu Talib Yahya b. al-Husayn b. Harun al-Buthani (d. 424/1033)
/ by Camilla Adang, Wilferd Madelung, Sabine Schmidtke.
Boston :
8, ۳۰۶ p. ;
25 cm.
Islamic history and civilization ;
v. 85
Includes bibliographical references and Index.
Ziyadat Sharh al-usul
طوالع علم الکلام المعتزلی کتاب الاصول لابی علی محمد بن خلاد البصری و شروحه
Ibn Khallad, Abu Ali Muhammad,10th cent.Kitab al-usul.