Moses Mendelssohn on Leibniz and Spinoza, by A. Altmann.--Israel and the Oikoumenē, by S.H. Bergman.--Paul a Hellenistic schoolmaster? by D. Daube.--'Knowest thou...?' notes on the Book of Job, by N.N. Glatzer.--The doctrine of the 'divine spark' in man in Jewish sources, by L. Jacobs.--Potentialities and limitations of universalism in the Halakhah, by R. Loewe.--Jew, Christian and Muslim in the secular age, by I. Maybaum.--Rabbinic adumbrations of non-violence: Israel and Canaan, by A. Neher.--Rationalism in Hobbes's political philosophy, by D.D. Raphael.--Torah and Nomos in medieval Jewish philosophy, by E.I.J. Rosenthal.--Ethics and education, by N. Rotenstreich.--Herbert Samuel's moral philosophy, by H.D. Schmidt.--Thought categories in the Hebrew Bible, by E. Ullendorff.--The idea of humanity in Judaism, by K. Wilhelm.--Maimonides on modes and universals, by H.A. Wolfson.