First published as a special issue of Israel Affairs.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Security and politics. Political-military relations in Israel, 1996-2003 / Amir Bar-or ; The growing militarization of the Israeli political system / Giora Goldberg ; Civil-military relations and strategic goal setting in the Six-Day War / Arya Naor -- Security and social strength. Society strength as a base for military power : the state of Israel during the early 1950s / Ze'ev Drory ; Under the threat of terrorism : a reassessment of the factors influencing the motivation to serve in the Israeli Reserves / Gabriel Ben-Dor and Ami Pedahzur -- Security and the shaping of culture, memory, loss and bereavement. The creation of the Israeli 'Political bereavement model' : security crises and their influence on the public behaviour of loss : a psycho-political approach to the study of history / Udi Lebel ; Holocaust survivors in the Israeli Army during the 1948 War : documents and memory / Hanna Yablonka -- Military media relations. The military and the media in the Twenty-First Century : towards a new model of relations / Yehiel Limor and Hillel Nossek ; Three 'travelling' models of politics and the mass media in the context of Israeli national security / Gideon Doron ; Nuclear ambiguity and the media : the Israeli case / Yoel Cohen ; The media and national security : the performance of the Israeli press in the eyes of the Israeli public / Martin Sherman and Shabtai Shavit -- Security and territory. Competing land uses : the territorial dimension of civil-military relations to Israel / Ami Oren and David Newman ; Defending territorial sovereignty through civilian settlement : the case of Israel's population dispersal policy / Matt Evans.