: the role of religion in culture, ethnicity, and politics
/ [edited by] Victor Roudometof , Vasilios N. Makrides.
; Burlington, VT
: Ashgate Pub. Ltd.
, 2010.
xiv, 258 p.
Foreword / by Grace Davie -- Preface -- Introduction -- Tradition, transition and change in Greek orthodoxy at the dawn of the twenty-first century : introductory considerations / Vasilios N. Makrides and Victor Roudometof -- Orthodox Christianity, Greek ethnicity & politics -- The evolution of Greek orthodoxy in the context of world historical globalisation / Victor Roudometof -- An intriguing true-false paradox : the entanglement of modernization and intolerance in the Orthodox Church of Greece / Anastassios Anastassiadis -- Scandals, secret agents, and corruption : the Orthodox Church of Greece during the 2005 crisis : its relations to the state and modernization / Vasilios N. Makrides -- Domesticating Islam and Muslim immigrants : political and church responses to constructing a central mosque in Athens / Dia Anagnostou and Ruby Gropas -- Non-Orthodox minorities in contemporary Greece : legal status and concomitant debates between church, state, and the international community / Prodromos Yannas -- Orthodox Christianity and Greek culture -- The traditional modern : rethinking the position of contemporary Greek women to orthodoxy / Eleni Sotiriu -- The mosque that was not there : ethnographic elaborations on Orthodox conceptions of sacrifice / Dimitris Antoniou -- Religion and welfare in Greece : a new or renewed role for the church? / Effie Fokas -- Faith and trust : tracking patterns of religious and civic commitment in Greece and Europe : an empirical approach / Theoni Stathopoulou -- Sacred words in a secular beat : the free monks phenomenon at the intersection of religion, youth, and popular culture / Lina Molokotos-Liederman.
Orthodoxos Ekklēsia tēs Hellados - History , 21st century.
Orthodox Eastern Church - Greece - History , 21st century.