Kaplan, M. A. SALT and the international system.--Bull, H. Strategic arms limitation: the precedent of the Washington and London naval treaties.--Holst, J.J. Comparative U.S. and Soviet deployments, doctrines, and arms limitation.-Garwin, R. Superpower postures in SALT: an American view.--Perle, R. Superpower postures in SALT: the language of arms control.--Wyle, F. S. U.S., Europe, SALT, and strategy.--Beaton, L. Secondary and almost-nuclear powers: how do they affect strategic arms limitation?--Gelber, H. G. Nuclear weapons, the Pacific, and SALT.--Dyson, F. J. Arms control and technological change.--Appendix (p. [221]-243): The SALT agreements and their interpretations.
Papers prepared for the Arms Control and Foreign Policy Seminar of the Center for Policy Study at the University of Chicago, presented during the winter of 1970-71.
سلاحهای هستهای
-- کنترل
مذاکرات کنترل تسلیحات
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
۲ ۱۳۵۲
کاپلان،مورتون آ.،ویراستار
Kaplan, Morton A.
دانشگاه شیکاگو . مرکز مطالعات سیاست
University of Chicago. Center for Policy Study
Soviet Union. Treaties, etc. United States, 1972 May 26 (SALT)