Encyclopaedia of education system in india
/ edited by B. M. Sankhdher.
New Delhi
: Deep and Deep Publication
= 1378.
مصور، جدول.
V. 1. James Buckingham to revolt of 1857 -- V. 2. 1857 to William Hunter's Commission, 1882 -- V. 3. William Hunter's Commission to 1888 -- V. 4. 1888 to end of 19th century -- V. 5. Lord Curzon to World War 1, 1914 -- V. 6. On the evech Word War 1, 1914 -- V. 7. World War 1 to Gandhi's non-cooperation movement, 1914-20 -- V. 8. Gandhi's non-cooperation movement to 1925 -- V. 9. 1925 to Gandhi's civil disobedience movement -- V. 10. 1930 to establishment of provincial autonomy, 1935 -- V. 11. Provincial autonomy to India's independence, 1934-47 -- V. 12. India's independence to the present day, 1947-1998