v. 1. marketing and sales management -- v. 2. personnel management and industrial relations -- v. 3. public enterprises management -- v. 4. project management -- v. 5. production management -- v. 6. introduction to management -- v. 7. corporate business strategy management -- v. 8. financial planning and management -- v. 9. export management -- v. 10. corporate planning and management control -- v. 11. economic and business policy management -- v. 12. materials management -- v. 13. management of small scale industry -- v. 14. human resource development management -- v. 15. organisational theory and behaviour -- v. 16. management of rural development -- v. 17. industrial psychology management -- v. 18. mamagement information and communications systems -- v. 19. government and business management -- v. 20. management government and public service -- v. 21. an interndisciplinary approach-I -- v. 22. an interndisciplinary approach-II -- v. 24. presonnel management and professional perspective -- v. 24. personnel planning and corporate development -- v. 25. HRD dynamics and gevernment systems