The Dead Sea scrolls: catalog of the exhibition of scrolls and artifacts from the collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority at the Public Museum of Grand Rapids
/ edited by Ellen Middlebrook Herron ; with original essays by Emanuel Tov ... [et al.]
Grand Rapids
: Public Museum of Grand Rapid
, 2003 = 1382.
xvii، ۱۴۰ ص.
مصور(بخشیرنگی)، نقشه، نمونه
This volume was adapted from an out-of-print catalog that accompanied an exhibition of the same scrolls and objects lent by the Israel Antiquities Authority at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney Australia in 2000."--Pref. Catalog of an exhibition held at the Public Museum of Grand Rapids-Van Andel Museum Center, 16 Feb.-1 June 2003."