Globalization of capital and the nation -state: imperialism, class struggle, and the state in the age of global capitalism
/ Berch Berberoglu
: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
, 2003 = 1382.
x، ۱۶۷ ص
کتابنامه: ص.۱۵۹-۱۳۹
Introduction: the political economy of globalization and its contradictions -- Theories of the world economy and world empire -- The logic of global capitalist expansion: theories of modern imperialism -- The controversy over globalization, imperialism and capitalist development on a world scale -- The postwar rise of U.S. capital onto the world scene -- The globalization of U.S. capital and the resurgence of interimperialist rivalry -- The imperial state and control of the global political economy -- Global capitalist expansion and domestic economic decline in the United States -- The globalization of capital and the capitalist state in the third world -- Imperialism, capital accumulation, and class struggle -- Globalization, class struggle, and social transformation.