Representing India: Indian culture and imperial control in eighteenth -century British orientalist discourse
/ with a new introduction by Michael John Franklin
: Routledge
, 2000 = 1379.
Contents: v.1. Interesting histirical events, relative to the provinces of Bengal, and the Empire of Indostan -- v.2. The history of Hindostan: v.I,II -- v.3. The history of Hindostan: v.III -- v.4. p.1. A code of Gentoo laws, or, Ordinations of the Pundits. p.2. An historical and political view of the Decan, Southof Kistnah -- v.5. Ayeen Akbery: v.I -- v.6. Ayeen Akbary: v.II -- v.7. Asiatick researches: v.I -- v.8. Asiatick researches: v.II -- v.9. Institutes of Hindu law