/ edited with an introduction by James J. Sheehan.
, a division of Franklin Watts
Modern scholarship on European history
/ Henry A. Turner , general editor.
Social and economic developments: Born, K. E.Structural changes in German social and economic development at the end of the nineteenth century. Rosenberg, H. Political and social consequences of the Great Depression of 1873-1896 in central Europe.--Elites and institutions: Sheehan, J. J.Conflict and cohesion among German elites in the nineteenth century. Angress, W. T. Prussia's army and the Jewish reserve officer controversy before World War I. Rohl, J. C. G. Higher civil servants in Germany, 1890-1900.--Foreign policy:domestic origins and consequences: Pflanze, O. Bismarck's Realpolitik. Wehler, H.-U. Bismarck's imperialism, 1862-1890.Mommsen, W. J. Domestic factors in German foreign policy before 1914.
ایمپریال جرمنی
-- ۱۸۷۱ - ۱۹۱۸م.
آلمان --تاریخ -- ۱۸۷۱ - ۱۹۱۸م. -- مقالهها و خطابهها
Germany -- History -- 1871-1918.-- Addresses,essays,lectures